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am I the only one who likes saima in this entire forum????!!! lol. wats with everyone jumping on the zara and sara bandwaggon?!!!! what ever happend to good old fashioned saima?!?! she single handedly carries lollywood on her shoulders!! does no one appreciate that?!?!?! lol.

don't get me wrong...after saima, these people will take over (due to looks or whatever reason), but as long as saima still makes movies, she beats them in every category in my opinion! the only way i will change my mind is when there is no saima in lollywood!!! THEN zara will be the face for pakistani films. until then....its SAIMA!!!
Posted 04 Jun 2003


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jinaab, u r being too hard on saima! now you're calling her aunty?!?!! lol.

on a serious note tho, u r 100% right about watching a movie in a pakistani theatre, only for the crowd!! i saw my very first punjabi movie this past march. the name was JATT DA WAIR, a big time flop starring who else, but shaan and saima. 2-3 songs were very nice and the crowd was AMAZING!!! people from lahore r good to watch movies with. lol.

as far as all these actresses combining to add up to saima's wasteline, lets be serious people! again, she is NOT that big. YES, she IS more "healthy" than the others, but thats not a bad thing. she may be older than them, but that is not bad either. she STILL LOOKS GOOD!! and don't deny it either. she has proven that she can still compete against and OUT-ACT EVERY lollywood actress!!!

and to sum up my view: the last pakistani movie to make it to international heights, and shatter almost every lollywood record was CHOORIYAN....a movie headlined by who else.....SAIMA!!!! lol.

Posted 04 Jun 2003


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yaar, i HAVE seen zara, sara and co. and they can't even dream of being an equal to saima!

if we put looks aside (if thats possible), then hands down saima is the best when it comes to doing what they are all paid to do (in most cases): ACT.

and as far as looks go, maybe i like saima because she looks more pakistani than the others! its probably just me, but compared to saima, the other actresses look too modern. saima is old school, and she looks more traditional if you will!!

stop calling her moti tho. lol. she's just a little chubby thats all!! lol.

and we can debate all we want but i'm sure if a lollywood director had his back to the wall and he/she needed a hit movie in a bad way, they would call SAIMA first!! she's still the queen of lollywood, regardless!! lol.

now how come you guys like these new ladies coming into lollywood, like zara and sara?!?!!!
Posted 03 Jun 2003


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LOL. saima is NOT moti!! just cause she's not AS slim as some of the females in lollywood does not make her moti!!! she looks more down to earth than the others.

as for the question (zara or the other girl) it or not, saima is still the undisputed reigning queen in lollywood, regardless!!!! lol. saima moti...pleeeease! lol.
Posted 03 Jun 2003


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not bad!

my family lives on moni road, literally a 30-40 second walk to DATASAAB. the places which I enjoyed the most were anarkali, hall road, the new food street across from anarkali, and this amazing TIKKA place near gulberg. i 4get the name tho!

outside of lahore, changamanga, and jalo park were fun too.

the city in general tho, is OUTSTANDING. only in pakistan (and lahore specifically) can u get the urge to eat at 2am, and go to food street to find A BOAT LOAD of food and such a lively atmosphere!! i was amazed. in canada, i could not dream of doing such a thing. next time i go, i'll be sure to check out the places u mentioned!
Posted 02 Jun 2003


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saieen jee, you seem to know alot about lollywood!

maybe u can answer my question. do ANY lollywood actresses get along? i keep hearing about these feuds among Reema and Meera and a bunch of others. is this true? and how about my favorite, saima? does she have a rival??!!

Posted 02 Jun 2003


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no one will supercede saima!! sorry! her and shaan OWN lollywood! sure they have their fair share of flops, but these two can turn in a great performance on screen. especially saima!
Posted 02 Jun 2003


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lol. common people. saima is the best actress pakistan has. why does everyone not like her in lead roles?!?! lol.
Posted 02 Jun 2003


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lol. no problem teentracker! not everyone has to like humaira arshad. but i hope you'll agree with me that songs aside, she is one of the most classiest people in pakistan. a very nice lady indeed.

just give her some time! an album here and there, and she'll eventually grow on you! lol.

as far as my comments on lahore, i was simply saying how i honestly feel. i love that city, and pakistan in general. if i had a choice, i would pick lahore in a heartbeat.

may i ask where specifically you are from, in lahore?!

Posted 31 May 2003


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hey! wats up!?

i've only just started to watch pakistani movies, both urdu and punjabi. from what i've seen so far you're right about meera and especially nirma being disgusting actresses. they can't ACT one bit. all they're good for is nasty work. but saima?! perhaps back in the day she was dirty, but recently (and i might be wrong) has she not cleaned her image?! she might do a risky dance number here and there, but this lady can ACT, thats for sure - something no other pakistani actress can do, atleast in my humble opinion!

i've seen chooriyan, mendhi wale hath, chaudrani, nikki jaee haan, and daku rani, all movies with saima in the lead, and in EVERY movie, the lady has outdone herself. superb acting - and clean too! once again i have not seen her earlier work, but judging from these movies and a few more, saima is okay in my books.

even her new movie larki punjaban looks to be clean. who knows though?!!!

but again you're right about nirma, and meera and everyone else!

Posted 26 May 2003


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to each his own! u're entitled to your own opinion. HOWEVER u're wrong!! humaira arshad is NOT bad. not bad at all, my friend!!

how can u say she's bad?!?! she has more than one hit song to her credit!! common man...!!
Posted 25 May 2003


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ffm, this movie has saima and some new guy. its about some sikh girl (saima) who likes a muslim guy. but due to the differences between pakistan/india, they have issues. same old story, but saima is in it, so its a must-see!!
Posted 25 May 2003


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i think u have a point mr. nice guy. however some of the names mentioned are not 100% hindu. i might be wrong, but who knows?

all i know is, out of all the actresses mentioned, is it just me or are saima and reema the only ones with some degree of class and acting ability?! lol.

i, like many of the people who have posted on this site never used to watch ANY pakistani movie. that was until i was forced to watch chooriyan (with saima and momer raana.) what a movie! and then i watched mendhi walay haath, only cause humaira arshad sang in it, and again, saima did a great job. and the latest movie i saw was nikki jai haan, with reema, saima and momer raana. again...great movie.

bottom line tho...names aside, saima and reema represent pakistan as best they can, from what i have seen. am i alone when i say this?!?!!
Posted 03 May 2003


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none of these girls! lol.

i even posted a message in the discussion regarding this topic...

none of these people come close to humaira arshad! even tho she doesn't act, she has sung many songs for lollywood movies. she's the "best female face"!
Posted 26 Apr 2003


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born and raised in hogtown, canada (a.k.a. toronto)! but my parents are from LAHORE, pakistan! i've been there 4 times in my entire life and if someone held a gun to my head asking me to chose between lahore and toronto...i would choose lahore in a heartbeat!! simply amazing over there. where are you from sanam411?!
Posted 24 Apr 2003


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as for some information on her (in case you might want to check out her music),

she is a singer from lahore pakistan. she learned her trait from the one and only ustaad nusrat fateh ali khan, and got her big break after singing noor jehan's song on some television show. after that she released an album here and there, but her most recent album, gul sun dholna got over HUGE with pakistani's. she had 3-4 excellent songs on this album, and from what i saw when i visited lahore (3 weeks ago)humaira arshad is a real big star and she's bound to become even more popular.

thats about all i know. hope you're all caught-up-to-date now. lol.
Posted 24 Apr 2003


Age: 125
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i should have posted this pic with my message. lol. sorry.

as u asked......

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Posted 24 Apr 2003